Frequently Asked Question
What courses can I find in EOL?
The platform of Online Education hosts undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses, professional and long-life education, as well as open courses of Universidad de Chile.
Who can take courses on the EOL platform?
The platform is focused on UChile students. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses are taught to regular students from the university, meanwhile continuing education and diplomas manage enrollment directly with the respective academic unit. On each course description a contact email is provided and it’s stated to whom the course is directed.
I’m a graduate student and I’m interested in a course on the platform, what are the steps to enroll?
In the description of each course, a contact email is indicated to register for future versions of the course.
How much money do the courses cost?
Courses are free for UChile students.
Professional education and other courses have different values depending on the program. Information of enrolling and cost in the course description
Professional education and other courses have different values depending on the program. Information of enrolling and cost in the course description
How can I register on the EOL platform?
Students are register on the platform by the Academic teams of each course
I'm a teacher at the Universidad de Chile and I want to take an online course. What do I have to do?
Contact us by email eol@uchile.cl or through EOL Helpdesk.